Can Road Conditions Cause an Accident?

Can Road Conditions Cause an Accident?

Although accidents are often unforeseen events that can occur in any place, they are also bound to happen due to poor road conditions. Even a tiny bump on a highway can result in a massive accident causing severe injuries.

Usually, motor accidents due to failure of yielding, distraction, and drunken driving are considered accidents that occurred by another person’s negligence act.  Whereas, in the event of an accident where no other party has been involved, it is considered to be a no-fault accident.

In most cases, in a no-fault accident claim, the insurance company will avoid holding the government responsible and blame the injured person somehow. Therefore, if you have become a victim of an accident that occurred due to bad road conditions, it is crucial to contact a bicycle accident attorney who can offer potential help in getting a fair settlement for the losses incurred.

Several Kinds Of Bad Road Conditions:

A driver is advised to avoid driving over any bumps on the road to avoid getting into an accident. The following are several kinds of poor road conditions that might cause an accident:

  1. Slick Roads

The roads lose their grip and start to look slippery. This kind of road can cause many motorbike and cyclist accidents since the tires used in a two-wheeler can easily slip through, and the rider can lose their balance within seconds.

  1. Incomplete Fixes

Usually, the government renovates the roadways, and if a particular locality does not have a proper road setting, it will also be replaced. In some cases, the fixes will not be fully covered, and the road will be half messed up, causing accidents.

  1. Ice Patches/Snow

In countries where it snows, the roadways can become critically challenging to use since the entire road can get covered. If two vehicles cross the same road that has an ice patch formed due to snow and one vehicle drives over it, the vehicle might slip into the other vehicle resulting in a car collision.

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  1. Uneven Roads

Not all roads are appropriately constructed, wherein few roads are not aligned accurately and have the outcome of an uneven road.

  1. Empty Patches

Due to heavy rain, the tar used in the construction of certain roads might come off, resulting in an empty patch that has the potential to cause an accident.

It is vital for anyone using the roadways to be cautious about the condition of the road before speeding up or overtaking a vehicle because there are chances for a no-fault accident due to poor road conditions. If you have become a victim of such cases, you can contact an attorney to help you legally.

4 thoughts on “Can Road Conditions Cause an Accident?

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