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What Is Cloud Monitoring and How Is It Beneficial to Your Company?

What Is Cloud Monitoring and How Is It Beneficial to Your Company?

Cloud monitoring refers to the process of evaluating and managing cloud-based applications, services, and infrastructure. Companies use manual or automated management techniques to monitor the performance of servers, websites, applications, and many other types of cloud infrastructure. The continuous evaluation of server speed, response time, and resource levels predicts any problems before they occur, making it easy to solve them early enough. Companies utilize different cloud monitoring tools such as Unryo to manage cloud-based infrastructure.

How it Works

Cloud monitoring is not only about managing servers hosted on Azure or AWS. There are various types of cloud services to monitor. For example, enterprises have to monitor cloud-based services that they use, including applications such as office 365. Here are some types of cloud services to monitor.

First, you need to know what cloud means to understand how cloud-based monitoring works. Cloud is used to refer to web-hosted applications that store and enable access of data over the internet rather than a computer’s hard drive. Businesses may use cloud computing as a service option (SaaS) to rent server space to host proprietary apps to serve consumers or subscribe to business applications. On the other hand, consumers use cloud computing in different ways, such as using the internet to view webpages, store files in Dropbox, or access email addresses on Gmail services.

Cloud monitoring uses a set of tools to manage the servers, applications, and resources running the applications. Such tools may come from either of these sources:

In-house tools from the cloud provider- here, the tools are part of the service, so there is no installation making the integration seamless.

Tools from an independent SaaS provider- here, the SaaS provider is different from the cloud service provider. Still, the two services work seamlessly as these providers have the expertise in managing costs and performance. Cloud monitoring tools such as unryo look for issues that can prevent a business from offering services to its consumers. Such tools provide useful data on customer’s behavior, security and performance.

Benefits of Cloud-Based Monitoring Solutions


Cloud-based monitoring is essential as companies can use that data to troubleshoot issues and repair them instantly.

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